Mississippi Sportsman License Prints
you're a Mississippi sportsman, odds are you already carry the work
of Joe Mac Hudspeth, Jr. Now his work can hang proudly in your home,
office or hunting camp. Each of these limited edition lithographic prints
is signed and numbered. Collectors receive the same print number every
year. Why not start your own collection this year?
Collectors - Remember, your print number is reserved.
The Sportsman License Prints: Please email or call us to order .
Click image for Pricing

2016 Sportsman License Print
Nineteenth Edition |

2013 Sportsman License Print
Sixteenth Edition |

2014 Sportsman License Print
Seventeenth Edition |

2015 Sportsman License Print
Eighteenth Edition |

2012 Sportsman License Print
Fifthteenth Edition |

2011 Sportsman License Print
Fourteenth Edition |

2010 Sportsman License Print
Thirteenth Edition |

2008/09 Sportsman License Print
Twelfth Edition
2007/08 Sportsman License Print
Eleventh Edition |

2006/07 Sportsman License Print
Tenth Edition |

2005/06 Sportsman License Print
Ninth Edition |

2004/05 Sportsman License Print
Eighth Edition |

2003/04 Sportsman License Print
Seventh Edition |

2002/03 Sportsman License Print
Sixth Edition |

2001/02 Sportsman License Print
Fifth Edition- SOLD OUT! |

2000/01 Sportsman License Print
Fourth Edition |

1999/00 Sportsman License Print
Third Edition - SOLD OUT! |

1998/99 Sportsman License Print
Second Edition - SOLD OUT! |

1997/98 Sportsman License Print
First Edition - SOLD OUT! |
Regular Edition or Artist Proof?
What is the difference in a Regular Edition and Artist Proof print Mississippi Duck Stamp or Sportsman License Print?
The number of prints for the edition is the only difference. There are 500 Regular Edition and 75 Artist Proofs. The prints are the same size and both are signed, but the numbering is different. For example a Regular Edition would be number as 50/500 and an Artist Proof would be 50/75 AP.